Dolores Espinosa.
Aura does not want to eat.
Aura no quiere comer.
Her plate is full of vegetables and Aura hates the vegetables.
Su plato está lleno de verduras y Aura odia la verdura.
Aura is sure that to the vegetables doesn’t like her.
Aura está segura de que ella tampoco le cae bien a las verduras.
Aura looks depth to the repugnant vegetables and know that they also are looking at her.
Aura mira fijamente a las repugnant hortalizas y sabe que ellas también la están mirando.
Her mother says to her: let’s go eat.
Su madre le dice: ¡Vamos, come!
The little girl moves her fork slowly direct to the plate. And, suddenly, three or four buds of broccoli, by a jump, they stand up. They seem a little smiling forest. Because the buds of broccoli smile and laugh and then turn and dance caught of the hands. Aura tries to see them with the fork but the small trees of broccoli wring, bend, shrink, slip away… Oh, so there is no way!
La niña mueve su tenedor lentamente rumbo al plato. Y, de pronto, los tres o cuatro brotes de brócoli, de un salto, se ponen en pie. Parecen un pequeño bosque sonriente. Porque los brotes de brócoli sonríen y se ríen y luego giran y bailan cogidos de las manos. Aura intenta pillarlos con el tenedor pero los pequeños árboles de brócoli se retuercen, se curvan, se encogen, se estiran, se escabullen... ¡No hay forma de atraparlos!
Her mother insists again; ¡Let’s, eat that vegetable!
Su madre vuelve a insistir: ¡Vamos, cómete esa verdura!
Aura tries with the eggplant. But the two halves raise, join together and se sway from one side from another, they look like a west dancer dancing the dance of the belly.
Aura lo intenta con la berenjena. Pero... Las dos mitades se levantan, se
juntan y se contonean, parecen una bailarina oriental bailando la danza del vientre.
Her little arms are agitated from a side to another without stop, greet to the little girl, and make her tricks. Aura tries to prick to the violet eggplant but the very slip away one wrings, bends, shrinks, slips away, thus there is no way.
Sus pequeños bracitos se agitan de un lado para otro sin parar, saluda la niña, le hace burlas. Aura intenta pinchar a la morada berenjena pero la muy escurridiza se retuerce, se curva, se encoge, se estira, se escabulle... ¡No hay forma de atraparlas!
Her mother repeats her: Let’s go, let’s go, that is for today!
Su madre le repite: ¡Vamos, vamos, que es para hoy!
Aura swallows saliva and with the fork undertakes against the zucchini… or tries it.
Because, suddenly, without warning, the Little slices of the green zucchini put themselves to roll for over the plate, rebounding and jumping on the other vegetables; turning and turning to all speed.
Aura traga saliva y, tenedor en ristre, la emprende con el calabacín... o lo intenta.
Porque, de repente, sin aviso, las pequeñas rodajas del verde calabacín se ponen a rodar por todo el plato, rebotando y saltando sobre las otras verduras; girando y girando a toda velocidad.
Aura tries but, nothing, it is impossible, the little green discos, wring, bend, shrink, and slip away… Cachis, thus there is anyone who can! Her mother gives her a new warning: thus until you finish to at the vegetables!
Aura lo intenta pero, nada, es imposible, los pequeños discos verdes y blancos, se retuercen, se curvan, se encogen, se estiran, se escabullen... ¡Cachis, así no hay quien pueda! Su madre le da un nuevo aviso: ¡O las comes ahora o las tendrás de merienda... y de cena... y de desayuno... así hasta que te las acabes comiendo!
Aura looks angry to the vegetables, she catches the fork with firmness and she throws for them. But… What happens now? They are doing an authentic mess, a party, a great spree. The fat tomatoes and the thin asparaguses are joined to sing in chore funny songs.
Ella mira enojada a las verduras. Coge el tenedor con firmeza y se lanza por ellas. Pero... ¿Qué pasa ahora? Las verduras de su plato están montando un auténtico alboroto, una fiesta, una gran, gran juerga. Los regordetes tomates y los delgados espárragos se unen para cantar a coro divertidas canciones.
The eggplant goes on with its exotic dance. The slices of zucchini give turns and turns for the plate. The broccoli laughs and turns over itself. The carrot jumps and the pumpkin plays with the cauliflower.
La berenjena sigue con su baile exótico. Las rodajas de calabacín dan vueltas y vueltas y vueltas por el plato. El brócoli ríe y gira sobre sí mismo. La zanahoria salta a la comba y la calabaza juega a palmitas con las coliflores.
The vegetables laugh about Aura and she looks them with her open mouth.
Suddenly… zoom! Your mother’s hand appears at full speed, takes Aura’s fork
And… Pum! eggplant… Pum! Tomato…¡Zas! Direct to the Aura’ smouth. –Chew!-, says her mother. Aura puts her face with disgust, chews and swallows.
Las verduras se burlan de Aura y ella las mira con la boca abierta. De repente... ¡Zoom! La mano de su madre aparece a toda velocidad, toma el tenedor de Aura y... ¡Pum! Berenjena... ¡Pum! Brócoli... ¡Pum! Tomate.... ¡Zas! Directos a la boca de Aura. ¡Mastica!-, dice su madre. Aura, poniendo cara de asco, mastica y traga.
The vegetables come again to be quiet. Very quiet. As if never they had moved before.
Aura doesn’t want to eat. She hates the vegetable and she is sure that the vegetable hates her. The next time those impertinent vegetables are going to become aware.
Las verduras se han vuelto a quedar quietas. Muy quietas. Como si nunca se hubiesen movido. Aura no quería comer. Aura odia la verdura y está segura de que ella tampoco le cae bien a la verdura. La próxima vez se van a enterar esos vegetales impertinentes.
Comprensión de lectura:
1 .Why does Aura hate the vegetables?
2. How do the vegetables seem on the plate?
3. What do the broccolis do?
4. What do the vegetables do in the plate?
5. What does the eggplant do?
6. What do the fat tomatoes and the thin asparaguses do?
7. What does the slice of zucchini do?
8. What do the broccoli, the carrot and the pumpkin do?
9. What does her mother say to Aura?
Task 2
Escribir las palabras de acuerdo a las claves dadas, (fruits and vegetables).
Example: P _ _ _ s look like light-bulbs. key = pears
Example: P _ _ _ s look like light-bulbs. key = pears
Which fruit or vegetable is described?
1. Sweet, tropical, long, yellow fruit. Monkeys like it.
ananas banana lemon mango papaya
2.White, round, hot vegetable, you cry when cutting.
carrot garlic lemon melon onion
carrot garlic lemon melon onion
3. Green vegetable with big leaves.
cabbage carrot cucumber lettuce lotus
cabbage carrot cucumber lettuce lotus
4. Sweet or hot vegetable or spice growing in shrubs.
tomato tabasco rapper pepper pepper
tomato tabasco rapper pepper pepper
5.Tropical, yellow, sour fruit with vitamin C.
orange mango lemon banana ananas
6. Tropical, round, orange fruit with thick peel.
papaya orange mango lemon ananas
7. Small, round, red fruit with a stone, growing in trees. Famous alcoholic drink can be made from it.
apple cherry plum raspberry redberry
8.Red vegetable from which ketchup is made.
vine tomato potato pepper apple
9.Red or yellow round fruit, growing on trees in Europe.
apple banana lemon pear raspberry
What is Pancake Day?
Pancake Day (also known as Shrove Tuesday) is the last day before the period which Christians call Lent. It is traditional on this day to eat pancakes.
Shrove Tuesday always falls 47 days before Easter Sunday, so the date varies from year to year and falls between 3 February and 9 March.
In 2010 Pancake Day is on Tuesday 16TH OF FEBRUARY.
Task 1
Solucionar las preguntas de comprensión:
What is a pancake?
When is t Pancake Day celebrated?
Why are eaten Pancakes in this Days?
Usted debe crear un documento de Word con el resumen del día del Pancake.
You have to create a word document called “Pancake Day”.
Realizar una receta de algún Pancake.
Make a recipe of some Pancake.
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